DERRY CITY: Shiels promises passionate display from players

RALLYING CRY . . . . Derry City manager, Kenny Shiels has called on supporters to give his side a lift against Dundalk.RALLYING CRY . . . . Derry City manager, Kenny Shiels has called on supporters to give his side a lift against Dundalk.
RALLYING CRY . . . . Derry City manager, Kenny Shiels has called on supporters to give his side a lift against Dundalk.
KENNY Shiels has promised Derry City supporters his side will give them good reason to get behind them during tonight's top of the table clash against champions Dundalk at Brandywell.

The Derry City boss had issued a passionate plea to fans of the ‘Candy Stripes’ after a ‘disappointing’ crowd of just over 800 people attended the 1-0 win over Wexford Youths last week. And now he’s urged the ‘Brandywell Faithful’ to come out in their numbers for a match he believes could have a major impact on their league title challenge.

“We’re going to prepare in a professional way and will give the crowd some reason to get behind the team,” said Shiels.

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“We’ll provide a performance where the crowd is going to get behind us,” he promised. “We’re going to force the crowd to get behind us through the way we play. It has to appeal to them. So that means we need to be committed and show a collective work ethic and a passion for playing for the club.

“If you put all that together, the supporters will identify that early on. So we want to have a mutual energy with the supporters. That’s the way we’re going into this game.

“Last week was a little hiccup and I reacted in the heat of the moment because the support has been brilliant this season. There was nothing from the stands last week but, hopefully, this week they can provide energy that will get us over the line,” he concluded.