Derry City condemn online racist abuse aimed at striker Junior Ogedi-Uzokwe

Derry City FC has rallied around striker Junior Ogedi-Uzokwe after he received racist abuse online.Derry City FC has rallied around striker Junior Ogedi-Uzokwe after he received racist abuse online.
Derry City FC has rallied around striker Junior Ogedi-Uzokwe after he received racist abuse online.
DERRY CITY Football Club has condemned the online racist abuse aimed at striker Junior Ogedi-Uzokwe on Monday night.

The on loan striker, who put Derry ahead on the night with a deft header during the six goal thriller with Bohemians at Dalymount Park, opened up his personal Instagram account after the game only to find abusive racial slurs directed at him by an anonymous user.

The former Colchester striker refused to comment on the online abuse but was visibly annoyed as he left the Dublin venue.

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The news was roundly condemned by his Derry City teammates, many of whom offered their support online, by fans of both clubs while Foyle MP Colum Eastwood also demanded that “social media companies should establish tighter security” to clamp down on this type of incident which "seems to be happening all too often".

And Derry City Football Club has, this evening, issued a statement in support of their striker and dismissed suggestions that the abusive comments came from a Bohemians supporter.

"Derry City Football Club unreservedly condemns the online abuse directed at our player, Junior Ogedi-Uzokwe this week," read the statement. "This type of behaviour has no place in our sport and supporters, staff, management and players stand wholeheartedly with Junior.

"We would also like to completely dismiss any suggestion that these comments had anything to do with supporters of Bohemians FC. Our two clubs have a fantastic relationship and this abuse will not be allowed to taint what was a superb game of football."