Going Green: Eat less meat and dairy for healthier planet and future

Plea to eat less meat (photo: Shutterstock)Plea to eat less meat (photo: Shutterstock)
Plea to eat less meat (photo: Shutterstock)

Green campaigner and consumer expert, Angela Terry, separates climate change facts from fiction and explains how you can take simple, practical steps to help save the planet. Follow @ouronehome & visithttps://onehome.org.uk/ for more advice.

Q: Is eating less meat and dairy really better for the planet?

A: Yes, there’s no doubt that cutting animal products from your diet helps the environment.

Plea to eat less meat (photo: Shutterstock)Plea to eat less meat (photo: Shutterstock)
Plea to eat less meat (photo: Shutterstock)

In fact, according to research by scientists at the University of Oxford, it’s the number one thing you can do.

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In a study, they found that meat and dairy production is responsible for 60 per cent of agriculture’s global greenhouse gas emissions – while the foods themselves provide just 18 per cent of people’s average calories and 37 per cent of their protein.

On a planet in crisis, this is a huge waste of energy and resources.

Farmed animals are also one of the main causes of deforestation.

In Brazil, farmers are deliberately setting forest fires – like the Amazon rainforest fires you may have seen on TV – to clear space for cattle ranching and to grow animal feed, like soya, for farms back in the UK.

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By reducing the demand for farmed animals by eating more meat-free meals, we can all do our bit to address this situation.

Of course, you don’t need to go fully plant-based.

Now Veganuary’s underway, you are probably hearing a lot about ditching dairy and meat altogether – but you could consider trying one or two meat-free days a week and seeing how you get on.

If you keep eating meat, try to make it white meat, like chicken, instead of beef.

If possible, go for locally-sourced and organic.

Both are better for the planet.

Contrary to dated stereotypes, plant-based eating’s a whole lot of fun.

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You can still enjoy all your favourite foods – like cakes, puddings, biscuits, burgers, lasagne, stews, curries and roast dinners – and also embrace new meal options too.

These include things like black bean burritos, sweet and sour sticky tofu or lentil shepherd’s pie.

If you’d rather pick up something ready-made, all the major supermarkets are now offering delicious plant-based ranges.

You can buy everything from chicken-less Kievs to fish-free fingers.

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Vegan treats – like chips, crisps, sweets and chocolate – are widely available too.

As a welcome side-effect, you might discover that the health benefits of dropping animal products are many.

All those old tales about eating your greens were actually true.

One scientific study showed that vegans live longer than meat eaters.

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The nutritionists at Harvard University came to the conclusion that dairy doesn’t do the body any good.

What’s more, a healthy plant-based diet can lower cholesterol levels, reduce the impacts of type two diabetes and cut risk factors associated with heart disease. It really is all about being kind to the planet, animals – and you.

Celebrity spot

Hollywood is known for vegan stars – Joaquin Phoenix and Pamela Anderson – but British stars are increasingly vegan.

A Place in the Sun presenter Jasmine Harman has given her London home a vegan makeover.