Woman fights off hijackers in sinister Derry incident

Hijacking attempt.Hijacking attempt.
Hijacking attempt.
A woman fought off suspected car jackers in a sinister incident in Derry this week, it's been reported.

The hijacking attempt occurred on Monday, September 24, but details were only revealed this afternoon.Constable Philip Walder said: “A woman was driving along the Victoria Road in Derry/Londonderry in the direction of Strabane just after 9 p.m. when an item struck her vehicle."The driver pulled into a lay-by close to the football fields to check her vehicle for damage and was approached by two hooded males.

"One of the males grabbed the her arm in what we believe may have been an attempt to take her car keys.

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"The woman was able to fight the males off and the pair then ran from the area."The males are both described as being in their late teens to early twenties, around 5' 9" and slim. One of the males was wearing a green hoody."I am keen to speak to anyone who may have seen males matching this description in the area prior to, or just after the incident.

"I would also appeal to anyone who may have captured dashcam footage in the area to please get in touch by calling 101, quoting reference 1500 24/09/18.”

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