Aerosol with fireworks attached an 'extremely dangerous weapon' says Derry community centre

Shantallow Community CentreShantallow Community Centre
Shantallow Community Centre
Parents have been asked to be vigilant after an aerosol can wired up to fireworks was discovered at a Derry community centre.

The discovery of the 'extremely dangerous weapon' at Shantallow Community Centre sparked condemnation from local political representatives.

SDLP Councillor Brian Tierney said: "This is very worrying news for the local community in Shantallow. This dangerous device could have caused serious injury if it had exploded. I welcome the fact the PSNI have now retrieved the weapon and it will not be causing any harm to anyone.”

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In a statement Shantallow Community Centre said: "An extremely dangerous weapon has been found at the Shantallow Community Centre.

"The device consisting of an aerosol can with fireworks attached didn't explode and is currently with the PSNI.

"PSNI has informed us that they are keen to identify those responsible as it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured.

"We are aware that some young people have been firing these off over the past few weeks across the Shantallow and Galliagh areas. Even the noise can be very disturbing, particularly for our more vulnerable residents."

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The community centre said that while some young people may think that exploding these devices is just 'a bit of crack' or 'messing about' it is, in fact, 'really dangerous for those using them and those being victimised by them.'

Parents are being asked to have a word with their children about the real dangers posed by the lethal combination of compressed gas and gunpowder.

Colr. Tierney said: “I am aware that some young people have been firing these devices off in the recent weeks. The noise can be very disturbing and cause anxiety to vulnerable residents. This is really dangerous and I would appeal to all parents to speak to their children about this and encourage them not to get involved.”

“It is unfortunately only a matter of time before someone is prosecuted or seriously injured. I appeal to the local community to be vigilant.”