'Truly sickening outcome' could have been inflicted by crude bombers, says Karen Bradley

Karen Bradley.Karen Bradley.
Karen Bradley.
The Secretary of State for the North, Karen Bradley, has said a 'truly sickening outcome' could have been inflicted on Derry by those who left a crude car bomb outside the Derry courthouse on Saturday.

Mrs. Bradley told MPs this afternoon: “As the people of the city and those visiting were making the most of the renowned hospitality on offer a crude, unsophisticated, but dangerous explosive device detonated as brave PSNI officers were clearing the area. CCTV released by the PSNI shows teenagers and others passing by only minutes before the device detonated. It is sobering to think that a truly sickening outcome by those responsible was only narrowly averted.”

She praised the PSNI for the police for their swift protection of the public, and said: “Those who planned this attack and placed this crude device in a busy city centre have absolutely no regard for the people who live and work there.”

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