Tiernan hailed a hero after foiling reported abduction attempt on 18-year-old girl

Tiernan McCready receiving his badge of honour from a local PSNI officer.Tiernan McCready receiving his badge of honour from a local PSNI officer.
Tiernan McCready receiving his badge of honour from a local PSNI officer.
A brave young man from the Bogside, Tiernan McCready, has been hailed a hero after helping foil a suspected attempt to bundle an 18-year-old girl into a van in Derry last week.

Last Wednesday night three men in a southern registered van reportedly approached the girl on the Lecky Road at around 8 p.m.

But for the quick thinking of Tiernan who shouted at the men and then told his mother what had happened a potentially serious crime might have occurred.

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The PSNI in Derry hailed Tiernan a hero and presented him with a badge of honour - and a bag of sweets - this week.

"Last week in the Bogside he saw three males grab an 18 year old girl and try to get her in their van.

"Most ADULTS would be paralysed in shock, confusion or fear and fail to act till it was too late. Tiernan reacted instantly and shouted at the males and led the girl away to safety. He then told his mum who rang Police.

"Let that sink in," police at Strand Road said.

Officers said that Tiernan's vigilance had ensured the young woman came to no real harm.

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"This could have been the start of a potentially serious and harrowing crime. That girl could have been my child, my sister, your child, your family member.

"The Bogside, Brandywell, and The Fountain Neighbourhood Team presented Tiernan with a PSNI Badge of Honour (and some Malteasers). But this doesn’t go anywhere near to paying off the debt our community owes this boy.

"Our youngsters often get a bad rep. but remember the vast majority are brave and big-hearted just like Tiernan," the force said.

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