Southway resurfacing '˜must be prioritised'

Sinn Fein Councillor Kevin Campbell pictured at Southway.Sinn Fein Councillor Kevin Campbell pictured at Southway.
Sinn Fein Councillor Kevin Campbell pictured at Southway.
Sinn Féin Councillor Kevin Campbell has said the road at Southway needs to be completely resurfaced as a matter of urgency.

Colr. Campbell has now called on Transport NI to prioritise the road, which is one of the main arterial routes into Creggan.

Colr. Campbell said: “I have been getting constant complaints from residents living in the area about the state of the road.

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“The Creggan area has a population of around 12,000 and has only three main arterial routes into the estate and Southway being one of them is in a very bad state.

“A number of years ago there was a constant stream of heavy vehicles travelling that route during the building of Magowan Park however, that housing project has been completed over a year ago and Transport NI has only patched the problem up.”

Colr. Campbell added: “There are hundreds of vehicles travel along this route on a daily basis. I have raised this issue with Transport NI on a number of occasions and have been told that they have it on their priority list.

“I am now calling on Transport NI to put this particular road to the top of the priority list so when the funding becomes available this much needed and overdue work can be carried out straight away.”

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A spokesperson for Department for Infrastructure said: “TransportNI has plans to resurface Southway. The scheme is on a priority list and it is hoped it can be progressed soon subject to funding becoming available.”

Meanwhile Sinn Fein Councillor Colly Kelly has welcomed works to tackle overgrown weeds and nettles along the pathway running along Southway. “I would like to congratulate the staff at Triax Neighbourhood Partnership for clearing away some of overgrown area which was encroaching on the pathway,” he said.