Saoradh to mark anniversary of Bloody Sunday anti-internment march by highlighting latter day cases

Bloody Sunday.Bloody Sunday.
Bloody Sunday.
Saoradh will mark the 46th anniversary of Bloody Sunday next weekend with a wreath-laying ceremony followed by a rally and white line protest over what the party has described as the continuing ''internment of Irish republicans.'

Patrick Gallagher, a Derry based member of the Saoradh National Executive, claimed the revocation of the release licences of Derry republicans, Neil Hegarty and Tony Taylor, was a latter day form of the internment that people had marched against on January 30, 1972.

"From Derry City alone we have two Irish republicans interned, Neil Hegarty and Tony Taylor. While Tony has been held for almost 700 days, Neil has only recently been interned," said Mr. Gallagher.

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“As we enter into 2018 many Irish people are unaware that there are still men and women languishing behind the wire of British Gaols. It’s imperative we do our utmost to both highlight and expose their plight and to assist them in anyway possible,

"On this anniversary of Bloody Sunday, when innocent people from our city were murdered by British soldiers while protesting for Civil Rights issues and against British Internment, we’re again protesting the same issues," he added.

Saoradh and the Derry branch of the Irish Republican Prisoners' Welfare Association (IRPWA), in conjunction with The John Brady Memorial Flute Band, will be holding a wreath-laying ceremony at the Bloody Sunday Monument at 1.45 p.m. on Saturday, January 28.

The ceremony will be followed by a rally and white line picket at Free Derry corner.

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