Residents' parking cards airedas solution for Rosemount

Sinn Fein Councillor Mickey Cooper. (file pic)Sinn Fein Councillor Mickey Cooper. (file pic)
Sinn Fein Councillor Mickey Cooper. (file pic)
Residents' car parking cards, reduced rates for students in civic car parks, and additional double yellow lines are just some of the suggestions that have been offered as means of tackling chronic car parking issues in the residential areas that surround Magee College.

Sinn Fein Councillor Mickey Cooper said a number of meetings have taken place to address parking issues affecting, in particular, Academy Road and the Northland Estate.

“There have been ongoing issues with cars parking in the Academy Road and Northland Way area preventing residents from being able to get parked outside their own homes. There have also been a number of cars parking and causing obstructions at junctions.

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“My party colleague Hayleigh Fleming has met with Department of Infrastructure/Roads Service in Academy Road and spoke with local residents.

“Hayleigh has also organised a meeting with Roads Service, PSNI, North West Regional College and Magee University to look at working together to combat the parking issues,” he said.

A number of suggestions were made as to how to address the problem.

These included a ‘residents’ parking card scheme’ as well as exploring with Derry City & Strabane District Council (DC&SDC) whether or not reduced rates for students and workplaces could be worked into a new proposed civic Parking Strategy that was commissioned by the local authority earlier this month.

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It was also suggested that Translink could meet up with students to encourage them to use public transport more often.

Colr. Cooper said the practicality of double yellow lines and bollards to stop cars parking on corners and on the pavement in problem areas was also discussed

“Hayleigh and the team will be calling to residents to discuss the possibility of a parking card scheme. If you are interested and we have missed you, please contact any of our local councillors and we will call with you,” he said.