VIDEO: Jeremy Corbyn gatecrashes Theresa May on Facebook Live

ITV Political Editor, Robert Peston and British Prime Minister, Theresa May.ITV Political Editor, Robert Peston and British Prime Minister, Theresa May.
ITV Political Editor, Robert Peston and British Prime Minister, Theresa May.
Labour party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, gatecrashed a Facebook Live interview with British Prime Minister, Theresa May on Monday.

The interview was being conducted by ITV Political Editor, Robert Peston, on Facebook Live on Monday afternoon.

Throughout the interview, Mr. Peston, takes questions from viewers and puts them to Mrs. May.

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"Perhaps surprisingly I have got a question in from Jeremy Corbyn of Islington," said Mr. Peston.

Mr. Corbyn asked Mrs. May why she has decided against taking part in live television debates in the lead up to the general election next month.

"Hello Theresa May. As Prime Minister you’ve served your elite friends by giving them tax cuts when wages have stagnated, house-building is at its lowest since the 1920s, there are 20,000 fewer police on our streets since 2010 and the NHS is in crisis," said Mr. Corbyn.

“Do you not think the British people deserve to see me and you debate live and on television?”