Ryan McCready joins UUP and brings party tally in Derry and Strabane to three councillors for first time

Ryan McCready.Ryan McCready.
Ryan McCready.
Ryan McCready has joined the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) weeks after leaving the DUP.

The Derry City and Strabane District councillor for the Faughan area left the DUP last month.

He said he had been 'deeply concerned' at how Arlene Foster had been replaced as leader of the DUP.

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His defection to the UUP brings that party's total on Derry City and Strabane District Council to three. It's the first time in the lifetime of the new council that the party has had three councillors.

UUP Alderman Darren Guy welcomed him to the UUP fold.

He said: “As Group Leader I am delighted to welcome Alderman Ryan McCready into the Ulster Unionist Party.

“Ryan has proved in his short time in politics to be more than capable of providing support to those who he serves in the Faughan DEA and will be a fantastic addition to our local team of Councillors.”

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Ald. Guy said he believed Ald. McCready's brand of politics was better suited to the UUP.

"Alderman Hussey and myself look forward to working with him in providing a strong voice, for not only Unionism but for everyone who requires assistance or support within the City and District.”

“I understand the enormity of the decision Ryan has taken, not just to leave the DUP to become an Independent member, but to then join the Ulster Unionist Party is obviously something Ryan has given much deliberation to over the past number of weeks.”

“The Leadership of Doug Beattie was obviously one of many factors which encouraged Ryan to join the Ulster Unionist Party and I would hope that others, who may have been considering such a move, will indeed take that step towards a more progressive brand of Unionism.”