Derry Mayor WON'T meet with Prince Charles

Prince Charles.Prince Charles.
Prince Charles.
The Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council will not meet with Prince Charles when he visits parts of the city on Friday.

Sinn Fein Councillor said: “As a Sinn Féin elected representative, and Mayor of Derry and Strabane I am fully committed to reconciliation and to reaching out to the unionist community. I also recognise the positive contribution made by members of the British Royal family to the search for reconciliation and the need for greater understanding of the different narratives, which exist here.

ONLINE POLL: Do you support the Mayor of Derry's decision to not meet Prince Charles?“Today’s visit to Derry by Prince Charles is difficult for many families in the city given his ongoing role as Colonel in Chief of the Parachute Regiment. And while I have supported meetings between Sinn Féin and members of the British Royal family, I believe that meeting him in Derry is premature given the ongoing and unresolved sensitivities around the legacy of the massacre carried out by that Regiment. Therefore, the Deputy Mayor will deputise for me today.”

Prince Charles has come to the North West to visit areas affected by recent flooding.

This is a breaking news story.

More to follow.