Rev. Latimer off to US with McGuinness story

Rev David Latimer.Rev David Latimer.
Rev David Latimer.
Rev. David Latimer is taking the story of his remarkable friendship with the late Martin McGuinness to the United States.

The Presbyterian minister is scheduled to speak in Chicago, New York, Detroit and Boston during October.

His busy itinerary includes an appearance at the iBAM Festival in Chicago which brings together Irish authors, artists and musicians from around the world for a weekend of Irish cultural celebrations.

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He has been invited to speak at and participate in panel discussions at this prestigious event.

Rev. Latimer says: “During my visit to the US, I will talk about Martin, the man who became my dear friend, and who, even in death, continues to be greatly admired worldwide for his courageous and inspirational political leadership.”

He says the purpose of the trip is to “unravel for the US audience the bumpy road to peace that both Martin and I travelled together.”

Rev. Latimer’s best-selling memoir, “A Leap of Faith”. tells the inspiring story of his relationship with the veteran republican who passed away in 2017.

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The book has proved to be a big hit with readers and was reprinted just weeks after it first went on sale.

Rev. Latimer, who is donating his royalties from the book to the North West Cancer Centre, says his unique friendship with the former IRA commander was cemented by their joint commitment to peace building and improving the lives of young people in Derry and beyond.

He adds: “It is a story that, in my opinion, illustrates what is possible in divided societies when diverse people intentionally choose to reach out across walls that unhelpfully serve to separate and keep us apart.

“Of course, we will never have all the answers but one thing we can be certain of because it is the lesson of history - together we can make a difference.”

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Before he heads off to America, Rev. Latimer will speak at an event, organised by Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, in Irvinestown at which he will specifically talk about reaching out to his neighbours in the Bogside, Brandywell and Creggan.

He is also due to speak about his book at Belfast’s Linenhall Library next week and will address an event on the same subject in Ballymena in the run-up to Christmas.