Inspirational Rocco travels to Texas for treatment

Rocco McGinley with MMA fighter Conor McGregor.Rocco McGinley with MMA fighter Conor McGregor.
Rocco McGinley with MMA fighter Conor McGregor.
Teenager Rocco McGinley has travelled to Houston in Texas to begin his treatment for a rare and aggressive brain tumour.

The ‘Journal’ reported last month how a huge fundraiser had been launched to help send the 14-year-old Buncrana teenager to the United States for treatment.

Tens of thousands of euro was raised through an online fundraiser and various events throughout the North West.

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Rocco and his family are now in Texas, where his treatment is scheduled to begin later this week.

His grateful aunt, Audrey Gallagher said the family is lucky to have close friends who live near the treatment centre and ‘who have so generously offered for them to stay with them while he receives his initial treatment’. She added how the family is ‘overwhelmed with the offer,’ and have very much been made to feel at home and taken good care of. Rocco was also given a huge boost before he left when he met MMA fighter Conor McGregor’. Audrey said; “ He had scans in Crumlin Children’s Hospital on the Thursday before leaving and they had dinner in Conor McGregor’s Bar. And as fate may have it he was there and kindly stood for a photo with Rocco. After hearing his story, Conor McGregor wished him the best of luck in his treatment in the US and in his future treatment. As you can imagine Rocco was delighted to meet him. And it was a real pick me up after all the tests and the anxiety of his treatments in the US.”

Rocco has a few tests and procedures to undergo before his treatment hopefully begins later this week. Audrey said Rocco, as is ‘normal’ for him, is ‘taking it all in his stride and has a positive outlook’. “The family are so humbled by people’s generosity and kindness and are eternally grateful for everyone’s support, without them Rocco’s journey would not be possible.”

You can follow Rocco’s journey on Rocco’s Road to Recovery and donate to the Go Fund Me on

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