Friday's Child: Simone Ferguson: I'm obsessed by Henry VIII

Friday's Child Simone FergusonFriday's Child Simone Ferguson
Friday's Child Simone Ferguson
Simone Ferguson (nee) McCallion is the owner and medical director of Filtered Aesthetics by Simone Louise Ferguson. A registered nurse for over 10 years she opened her own business in 2017. She is currently in the process of setting up her own training academy to share her love and passion of medical aesthetics in Derry. She is married to Larry and has two daughters Anya, four, and Evie, two. Simone was named Entrepenur of the month and is nominated as a finalist for cosmetic clinic of the year for the Northern Irish hair and beauty awards.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m weird, there’s no other way to describe it. The most common word I hear is quirky.

Happiest childhood memory?

Friday's Child Simone FergusonFriday's Child Simone Ferguson
Friday's Child Simone Ferguson

I suppose it was getting my brother and sister. I always wanted to be a big sister. I was seven before my brother was born and nine before my sister was born.

What was your first job?

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My first job my daddy got me, it was for a local advertising company. They gave me about 500 leaflets to deliver to shops and houses around the town. Needless to say the call of meeting my friends up the town was stronger than the urge to deliver them. They got redirected into several bins around the town. I split them into bundles to make sure that they were not obviously dumped. In fact, my friends helped.

Favourite book?

Probably Anne Frank, I think I’ve read it at least ten times. I’m a little obsessed with history, love all things World War Two and Henry Vlll.

Favourite film?

‘Sleeping Beauty’. I’m obsessed with it. To the point that my two-year-old daughter knows all the words and songs.

Favourite television


‘Friends’. I watched it every Monday night as a teenager. The new episodes were released every Monday. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have rewatched it. I actually think if I went on Mastermind it would be my specialist subject, ha ha.

Favourite expression?

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‘Relax.’ Usually said in the most stressful situations like this…. ‘Reeeeeelaaaaaax’.

Favourite method of relaxation?

Disappearing with my girls and Larry, getting in the car and going somewhere random.

We went to the zoo most recently and we spent longer driving there than in the actual zoo.

Half the animals were locked away and there was torrential rain, but the girls were smiling.

Favourite holiday destination?

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I love Florida. I went there when I was first year in Thornhill then we went back as adults.

My husband keeps telling me the girls are too young to enjoy it as they are two and four, but I hate to tell him sometimes its for me.

Who would you most like to meet?

Henry Vlll. I’m obsessed, I could possibly be wife number seven.

What makes you angry?

Lying, I despise it. I know the truth sometimes is hard, but in the long run its definitely the best policy.

What makes you happy?

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My family. I’m such a family person. I’m the one who dishes out the hugs and kisses. My mammy’s family sometimes dread to see me coming with all my affection, ha ha.

I’m just totally besotted with my own little family, my husband Larry and two girls Anya and Evie.

What human quality do you most admire?

Determination. You certainly don’t have to be the smartest, quickest or richest in life. I think as I’ve gotten older I’ve realised you can’t be all those things. I love seeing people with determination, it’s like the fight you have to do well. It’s such an admirable quality.

What human quality do you least admire?

Jealousy. It’s such a natural human reaction sometimes, although I think how you manage it is so important. I’m as guilty as anyone, except I learned to be more vocal about it. I’d very often tell people I’m jealous of them, I think its nicer than simmering

What has been the most embarrassing thing to happen to you?

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The entire article could be about my most embarrassing moments, I am single-handedly the most embarrassing person in all the lands.

I think we need to take it way back in time though, back to when I referred to myself as a ‘freak’. I actually have an all over body beamer saying this. My hair colour ranged from blue to pink and was right down my back. I wore jeans that had really wide legs, the bottom of the leg wider than the actual waist.

Black fishnet tops with neon trim, black everything really. Enough eyeliner to last me till I was 35 years old. Black nail polish. I hope I’m setting the scene.

We hung around the town in lots of different locations, around Iceland, on the walls, at the tourist information centre and I’m not sure if anyone remembers but the NECLEUS on Pump Street. My brother actually still laughs at this.

What was the worst thing to happen to you in your life?

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When I was 26 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and then at 31 with Crohns. Both are inflammatory bowel disease and to have the both of them is rare.

So, I suppose it matches right up with my personality, weird. I would often get a referred inflammation in my joints which causes a lot of pain. It just won’t stop me, I won’t be giving in anytime soon. In a round-about way it’s made me appreciate a lot more, things could definitely be worse. I’m grateful in that sense.

What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear is not being able to protect my girls, at the minute they are so young and I’d do anything they need or ask for.

Some days I hear wee stories from Anya and I know she’s getting older and it scares me. Yes, she’s four years old but I see her getting more independent and I just want her to stay little. Growing up is hard. I wish I could do it for them both.

What has been the high point of your life to date?

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Obviously becoming a mammy is right up there, all my family will tell you my obsession with babies growing up was insane. Although I definitely have to say my business too. I never In a million years guessed that it would become what it is after four years.

My husband paid for my first course and we travelled to Liverpool for me to do exams with my eldest girl, mammy and my sister Jane in tow. To be honest, the tradition has continued, any course I bring all the gang. The work that I have done in the last four years makes me proud, studying, travelling for courses for the business and exams as well as having my beautiful family.

How would you like to be remembered?

Firstly, and the most important to me is to be remembered by my girls as a good mammy. The nurse in me always screams out, I just want to be known as someone who tried her best for people. In fact it’s probably one of my best and worst traits.

What is your most treasured possession?

My wedding ring, its made from white gold, diamonds and sapphires. I love the colour blue. I married my best friend. It’s a constant reminder of how lucky we are.

If you won the lotto what would you do with it?

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Not one member of my family would have anything they need every again. Although since I opened my business I’ve got a real thirst for charity. I think I would plunge myself full time into charity. In particular when I worked in the hospital I worked in acute medicine. We had a lot of patients daily who struggled with addiction, I think our town is lacking in some aspects of addiction support, maternal addiction and addiction with mental health. I just want to try and help people.

If you could be granted one wish in life, what would you ask for?

I would wish that my girls get everything in life that’s meant for them, that they never suffer with bowel disease, it worries me as its often hereditary. I hope and wish they have a lifetime of happiness.

If you could write your own epitaph what would it be?

I hope I’ve arrived here, happy, still loved and a little drunk

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