Families to protest at Guildhall Sq. over Troubles legacy plans

Footwear of victims of the Troubles arranged to spell ‘NO’ at a protest against the proposed Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill held at Guildhall Square last month.  Photo: George Sweeney.  DER222GS – 015Footwear of victims of the Troubles arranged to spell ‘NO’ at a protest against the proposed Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill held at Guildhall Square last month.  Photo: George Sweeney.  DER222GS – 015
Footwear of victims of the Troubles arranged to spell ‘NO’ at a protest against the proposed Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill held at Guildhall Square last month. Photo: George Sweeney. DER222GS – 015
The families of some victims killed in the Troubles will on Tuesday hold a protest in Derry against the planned introduction of controversial legacy legislation by the British government.

The demo at Guildhall Square, at 1pm, coincides with the second reading of the bill by MPs at Westminster.

Last month, a similar protest took place in Derry. Related events were held in both Belfast and London.

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The British government has said the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill aims to provide better outcomes for victims, survivors and veterans.

The draft laws offer immunity to those who are deemed to have co-operated with an information retrieval body.

However, relatives of those killed in the conflict have branded the proposals ‘The Bill of Shame’ and say it should be scrapped.

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