Derry man charged with possessing almost 2,500 indecent images returned for trial

Court (file picture)Court (file picture)
Court (file picture)
A Derry man has been returned for trial to the local Crown Court charged with possessing almost 2,500 indecent images.

The man who cannot be named to protect the identity of the alleged victim in one of his charges appeared at a preliminary enquiry at Derry Magistrate's Court on Thursday, December 8.

He is charged with one count of voyeurism on dates between January 1, 2019 and March 27, 2021.

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The man is also charged with possessing 2,457 indecent images, with a total of 11 charges in all in relation to this.

It was accepted during the hearing at the Magistrate’s Court on Thursday that there was a case to answer and there were no contrary submissions.

The man said he did not want to call any witnesses or make any statement at this stage.

He was returned for trial to Derry Crown Court on January 12 and released on bail.

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