Bishop Edward Daly plaque unveiling at Ethiopia clinic

Rev. Eamon Graham, Anne Gibson and Richard Moore with a copy of the commemorative plaque.Rev. Eamon Graham, Anne Gibson and Richard Moore with a copy of the commemorative plaque.
Rev. Eamon Graham, Anne Gibson and Richard Moore with a copy of the commemorative plaque.
A special commemorative plaque is to be unveiled at St Luke’s Hospital in Wolisso, Ethiopia, in memory of Bishop Edward Daly.

Commissioned by Derry international development charity, Children in Crossfire, the plaque recognises the late Bishop’s support for the organisation’s work in Ethiopia and Tanzania.

It has been placed at the therapeutic feeding unit at St Luke’s which each year provides life-saving treatment for hundreds of children with severe acute malnutrition.

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Children in Crossfire’s Executive Director Richard Moore met recently with Bishop Daly’s sister, Anne Gibson, to present her and long-time family friend, Fr Eamon Graham, with a copy of the plaque.

“So many people in Derry and the wider Diocese hold Bishop Edward Daly close to our hearts because of the pastoral care and compassion that exemplified his long ministry,” said Mr. Moore. “He was a truly remarkable man who made an invaluable contribution to life here in the most challenging of times.

“Bishop Daly was also a great friend of Children in Crossfire, especially our international programme work. We are privileged to have benefited from his kindness and felt it was timely, on the fifth anniversary of his passing, to recognise that support. We chose to install a commemorative plaque at St Luke’s Hospital because their work to keep profoundly ill children alive in partnership with us is one of the reasons Bishop Daly was a keen Children in Crossfire supporter.

“Even now, St Luke’s and the therapeutic feeding unit continue to benefit from Bishop Edward’s support. One of his lasting legacies is that some of the world’s most vulnerable children receive life-saving medical support when they need it most. His life was dedicated to care for others, and we are very proud to honour his memory with this small plaque.”

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Mrs Gibson added: “I was delighted when Richard called to discuss this idea with me. Edward is very deeply missed by his family and friends, but it is very comforting for us to know that he continues to be so fondly remembered and highly regarded in Derry and beyond. This plaque will ensure Edward will continue to be thought of for many years to come and we are grateful to Children in Crossfire for thinking of him at his anniversary.”

Rev. Graham, Parish Priest of Greenlough and Lavey, said: “We are all aware of how fond Bishop Daly was of Derry City and its people. His support for local charities and initiatives is well known. It was his wish that, after his death, he could still in some way support these charities, especially Children in Crossfire.”

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