'˜Frustration' over youth attacks in Galliagh - Tierney

Colr. Brian Tierney. (DER0314PG016)Colr. Brian Tierney. (DER0314PG016)
Colr. Brian Tierney. (DER0314PG016)
SDLP councillor Brian Tierney has issued an appeal to parents to help resolve the issue of anti-social behaviour in Galliagh by talking about the effects it has on vulnerable residents.

Councillor Tierney was speaking after receiving a number of reports of young people being involved in anti-social behaviour last night.

Speaking during the latest bout of trouble on Wednesday night, Colr. Tierney said: “I have been contacted by people tonight and a number of nights over the last few days who are becoming increasingly frustrated by the actions of some young people in the Galliagh area.

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“Last night a number of young people started a fire on the Moss Road which reduced the road to single file traffic.

“Incidents have been increasing in the Fergleen area over recent days where homes have been targeted with eggs and I have also received a report of a window being broken in the area.

People are becoming increasingly frustrated with what’s going on and I would appeal to parents to have a conversation with their children, find out where they are, who they are with and what they are up to and explain how anti-social behaviour can effect people and make them feel.”

Colr. Tierney added: “The majority of young people from Galliagh are good young people who I believe are not involved but we have some who are intent on causing as much upset as they can to their neighbourhood and this type of behaviour has to stop.

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I intend to raise this issue at the next meeting of the local community safety team but I would appeal to parents to help stop this type of behaviour by talking to young people” Councillor Tierney concluded.