Foyle Down Syndrome win £49k!

Chris Cooper and Lorraine Gallen, Foyle Down Syndrome Trust, Lucy Gollogly, Joanne McDowell, Big Lottery Fund and Carla Stojanovic, Foyle Down Syndrome Trust celebrate with members of the group , after they won £49,710 in the Big Lottery Fund's Peoples Projects competition.Chris Cooper and Lorraine Gallen, Foyle Down Syndrome Trust, Lucy Gollogly, Joanne McDowell, Big Lottery Fund and Carla Stojanovic, Foyle Down Syndrome Trust celebrate with members of the group , after they won £49,710 in the Big Lottery Fund's Peoples Projects competition.
Chris Cooper and Lorraine Gallen, Foyle Down Syndrome Trust, Lucy Gollogly, Joanne McDowell, Big Lottery Fund and Carla Stojanovic, Foyle Down Syndrome Trust celebrate with members of the group , after they won £49,710 in the Big Lottery Fund's Peoples Projects competition.
The Derry charity, Foyle Down Syndrome Trust, has been given a massive financial boost after winning almost £50,000 in funding.

Following a successful public vote, the local group was announced as one of the winners of the Big Lottery’s People’s Projects on Wednesday.

Lorraine Gallen, manager of Foyle Down Syndrome Trust, said: “We are overwhelmed to have won. We are so happy for our young people – this is the project they asked for and so deserve. It was made possible by the whole community getting behind us and there are so many people to thank for making this happen.

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“This project will provide vital life skills for our young people, and will make such a difference to the families we support. The whole of Foyle Down Syndrome Trust feel like we’re winners today.”

The much loved charity will now receive £49,710 to work with 20 young people aged 16-30 with learning disabilities in the Derry area to deliver a 36 week cookery course, aptly named ‘Recipe for Success.’

The course will include food hygiene, catering and menu planning and budgeting leading to NVQ qualifications. The young people will also visit a number of cookery schools across Northern Ireland. The activities and support will increase their health and wellbeing, skills,independence and confidence. The Big Lottery Fund teamed up with ITV and The National Lottery to give the Northern Ireland public the chance to decide how £150,000 of funding could make a difference in their local area.

Foyle Down Syndrome Trust was one of three winners from across the North.