Mica Action Group is urging vulnerable homeowners in need of extra support to get in touch

The Mica Action Group is urging those impacted by the crisis and who are living with additional vulnerabilities or concerns to get in touch.The Mica Action Group is urging those impacted by the crisis and who are living with additional vulnerabilities or concerns to get in touch.
The Mica Action Group is urging those impacted by the crisis and who are living with additional vulnerabilities or concerns to get in touch.
The Mica Action Group is urging affected homeowners who are also dealing with vulnerabilities that may include age-related issues, disability or serious illness to get in touch.

The group is seeking to collate the most up-to-date and comprehensive data to present to government and authorities to highlight the added concerns and stresses of these homeowners.

Lisa Hone, Chairperson of Mica Action Group, told the Journal it is ‘very evident’ that there isn’t a support structure in place to ‘help those in what we’d say are in the most vulnerable circumstances, or those facing into, not only the challenge of this whole situation, but that their personal situation gives them extra challenges beyond that than other people might have’.

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Lisa said these challenges may include a lack of mobility, as well as those who are dealing with serious illness, disability or who are advanced in years, which, in turn, can introduce age-related frailties.

"Those are also just an example of obvious ones, but there also may be circumstances beyond that as well. When you speak to people, it’s very individual and there is a cohort of people facing extra challenges and there is no support there in terms of where are they going to live?

"This feeds into other issues, such as a lack of temporary accommodation, For example, if you have to move out of your home and have someone in your family with a lack of mobility – you’re on you’re own. Government is prepared to throw the scheme out there, but the scheme is bigger than just applying to it. There needs to be wraparound infrastructure with regards to how people actually get through that whole process., including practical, tangible supports, emotional supports and alternative housing. For many, living in a mobile home is just not tenable and the government and local authorities are going to have to wake up to this. The numbers affected by this crisis are so huge, you are inevitably going to have have significant numbers who live with extra challenges. There needs to be recognition of that and it needs to be acted upon.

Mica Action Group wants those who live with these challenges to get in touch, so they have a database and numbers to highlight and stress the issue.

You can contact [email protected] or 00353 868648888.

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