Eglinton park repair bill estimated at £80k

The arson attack at Eglinton Play Park.The arson attack at Eglinton Play Park.
The arson attack at Eglinton Play Park.
The bill for repair works at a Derry play park destroyed by arson last year has been estimated at £80,000.

The cost to the ratepayer was outlined at the February meeting of the Derry City and Strabane District Council Environment and Regeneration Committee.

Considerable damage was caused to an item of play equipment at the park in Eglinton Village Green on January 13, 2019, the committee was told.

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“The PSNI criminal case into the incident is ongoing,” the committee was further advised.

In the meantime the Council, in consultation with the local community, has taken steps to try to bring the park back into full use.

“Whilst initially it had been intended to replace the damaged equipment on a ‘like for like basis,’ representations were made to the Council expressing concerns with regard to the item of play that had been destroyed and specifically that it had used for inappropriate purposes,” a council officer reported.

Two public engagement events were held in Eglinton in June and October last year to agree a way forward.

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“Following the destruction of the piece the need to replace the equipment, officers, through the community dialogue, identified an opportunity to increase the play value of the facility with the replacement item adding to the play value over and above the piece of equipment that was burned,” the officer added.

The total estimated cost for the repair of the play park is now expected to run into tens of thousands of pounds.

“The estimated replacement works are in the order of £80,000 to include purchase and installation costs.

“Council Insurance have agreed a settlement figure of £30,000. In addition, Council’s Play Development Officer has secured £30,000 external funding to support this project. Post tender any shortfall will have to be met by Council through the Capital Review Group (CRG) and Governance & Strategic Planning approvals processes.”