Derry’s sacrifice key to decline - Swann

KEEPING EVERYONE SAFE.... Derry people with their masks on waiting for the bus in Foyle Street.  Picture by Lorcan Doherty / PressEyeKEEPING EVERYONE SAFE.... Derry people with their masks on waiting for the bus in Foyle Street.  Picture by Lorcan Doherty / PressEye
KEEPING EVERYONE SAFE.... Derry people with their masks on waiting for the bus in Foyle Street. Picture by Lorcan Doherty / PressEye
The Health Minister Robin Swann has acknowledged the sacrifices local people and businesses have been making to get the virus rates here under control.

In response to queries from the ‘Journal’ the Minister said yesterday that the measures introduced in Derry & Strabane earlier than elsewhere are proving effective.

He was speaking as data showed rates of infection in the local Council area have fallen significantly over recent weeks, although Mr Swann cautioned that no area of Northern Ireland can let its guard down now.

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Mr Swann said: “There is clear evidence that restrictions have proven effective in bringing down the Covid rate in the Derry and Strabane Council area.

Health Minister Robin Swann. (PressEye)Health Minister Robin Swann. (PressEye)
Health Minister Robin Swann. (PressEye)

“This has been the result of the ongoing personal and collective sacrifices of the local people and businesses in recent weeks in helping the number of cases to continue to decline.”

But whilst there are grounds to be optimistic for the future with the R number in NI being brought down, Mr Swann said it is now “heading in the wrong direction and creeping up again and we should not underestimate the danger” of that.

“Therefore, it must be underlined again, that everyone across society has a vital part to play in stopping the spread of the virus. That means continuing to follow the public health advice by cutting down our contacts, keeping our distance, wearing a face covering and washing our hands.

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“There is a heavy burden on the public in terms of protecting each other and the health service. I hope and trust they will rise to the challenge better than the political class has managed recently,” the Minister added.