Warning to parents as youths go on rampage after descending on Derry estate

The youths attempted to hijack a delivery van on Fairview Road.The youths attempted to hijack a delivery van on Fairview Road.
The youths attempted to hijack a delivery van on Fairview Road.
Residents in Galliagh have been subjected to disgraceful attacks perpetrated by gangs of youths who converged on the estate on Friday night and went on the rampage.

Parents of those young people involved and those gathering with them to witness the disturbances have been warned to wake up and take action amid reports that young people from right across the city had been organising to gather from earlier this week via social media.

Reports suggest a number of cars were damaged when a vehicle belonging to a local resident was torched by youths in the Ederowen Park area, and a local shop was forced to close after fireworks were thrown at it just days after a hoax device was left in the area.

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Groups of youths also attempted to start a fire on a road, it has been reported, and fireworks and masonry was also hurled at police.

Local community workers on the ground and residents helped prevent even more serious disorder during the course of the evening, while bus services to the area were withdrawn.

Police meanwhile confirmed that they are investigating an attempted hijacking of a delivery van close to the shop on Fairview Road, where much of the trouble was concentrated last night.

A petrol bomb was thrown at the vehicle at around 6.30pm by a group of youths, however the driver managed to escape and the flames were extinguished by members of the public before significant damage was caused.

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Cars and bins were also been set alight and masonry and fireworks thrown at officers.

It is feared the youths were intent on drawing emergency services into the area and were planning a full scale riot.

Speaking about the scenes, District Commander Chief Superintendent Darrin Jones said: “The local community are rightly outraged at this criminal behaviour that is diverting much needed resources away from the area. They are preventing local bus services from operating and targeting delivery vans bringing groceries to local residents.

“In a time when we are asking everyone to pull together in the face of the current health crisis, these people are working against their own community.

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“We are appreciative of the efforts by community representatives and youth workers to disperse the groups and encourage bystanders to go home. Neighbourhood officers are on duty and we have additional resources available to respond to incidents.”

Local Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy urged parents to make sure their children were not involved and to act if they find out they have travelled to the area.

In a post on social media, Colr. Duffy said: “The Galliagh community is again tonight under attack by a small number of young people who are intent on destruction and disruption. But there is a whole lot of hangers on, who are there for a nosey or a ‘bit of craic’...these young people due to their numbers are causing fear within the community!

“They have descended on Galliagh from across the town so I appeal to parents, ring your child, find out where they are and if they are in Galliagh bring them home!!!!”

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Mayor, SDLP Councillor Brian Tierney, posting on social media, said: “I’ve been speaking to community workers who are currently on the ground in Galliagh.

“Busses have been stopped coming to the area, Co-op has been closed and delivery van have been targeted by youths with petrol bombs.

This behaviour is only impacting our area.

“I would appeal to young people to stop this behaviour and allow our community to avail of the services we need in the area.”