Mystery female driver in Derry reverses into brand new V.W. Golf - P.S.N.I. urge her to come forward

A C.C.T.V. image released by the P.S.N.I.A C.C.T.V. image released by the P.S.N.I.
A C.C.T.V. image released by the P.S.N.I.
The P.S.N.I. in Derry has appealed to the female driver of a vehicle who drove off after causing damage to a brand new Volkswagen Golf G.T.I. to contact them immediately.

Police investigating the incident said that at around 8:30pm on Friday evening a blue people carrier, with a roof-rack and R plates, parked near the Magnet Bar on Culmore Road.

Two females exited the car and went into a nearby shop while the female driver remained inside the people carrier.

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The two female passengers returned from the shop and entered the people carrier.

A C.C.T.V. image released by the P.S.N.I.A C.C.T.V. image released by the P.S.N.I.
A C.C.T.V. image released by the P.S.N.I.

The female driver then attempted to reverse out of the parking space but scraped up against a brand new black Volkswagen Golf G.T.I.

"We know the driver was aware as she panicked and stalled the car four times," said the P.S.N.I.

"She seemed young and inexperienced. One of the passengers then had to take over and reverse the car out. The original driver then got back in and drove off."

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The police went on to question the moral compass of the female driver and appealed to her to contact them.

"Car lovers will be especially horrified but I’m sure like me the rest of us are just angry at the lack of respect, morals and decency this driver has shown. If this is you it is time to call us and own up.

"Social media is one tool in our arsenal. If you know this vehicle and/or the driver - give us a call on 101. In the meantime we will continue to check CCTV firstly to identify the driver but also to identify the passengers from the shop who can be compelled to inform us who was driving or face prosecution. Ring on 101: Reference 1268 of 18/01/19."

The P.S.N.I. signed off the social media appeal with the hashtag "#OwnUpBeforeWeFindAndArrestYou".