Man in 30s shot in Derry housing estate : ‘End these attacks’ - MLA

Karen Mullan MLAKaren Mullan MLA
Karen Mullan MLA
Detectives are appealing for information following the report of a shooting in the Magowan Park area of Creggan, Derry, last night (Wednesday, 18 March).

Detective Sergeant McLaughlin said: “At around 11pm, three masked men came to the door of a house in the area and shot a male, aged in his 30s, in the leg.

“The victim has been taken to hospital for treatment to his injury.”

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He added: “This has all the hallmarks of a paramilitary-style shooting. It was a planned, vicious and brutal attack, which is completely unacceptable in today’s society.

“I am appealing to anyone with information that might assist our investigation to get in touch on 101, quoting reference number 2001 of 18/03/20.”

Information can also be provided anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Sinn Féin MLA Karen Mullan has condemned the shooting.

The Foyle MLA said: “I utterly condemn this shooting of a man in his 30s in the Magowan Park area of Creggan.

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“There is no place for attacks like this in our society and those responsible are not representative of the local community.

“This comes at a time when our medical staff are under intense pressure and the community is dealing with the biggest public health crisis it has ever faced.

“Whoever did this needs to listen to the people of the area and end these attacks immediately.”