Man denies breaking girlfriend's ankle in row over dog's mess

Man refused bail.Man refused bail.
Man refused bail.
A man allegedly broke his ex-girlfriend's ankle by trailing her about the floor in a row over a dog's mess, the High Court heard today.

Gary Neeson, 28, is also accused of causing unnecessary suffering to the pet discovered limping and with a head injury at his flat in Derry.

Neeson, of Richmond Avenue in the city, was refused bail.

Prosecutors said the woman claimed he subjected her to violence during three separate incidents last month.

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He allegedly grabbed her by the throat and threw her across a room on October 8 amid accusations of cheating on him.

Two days later she was slapped and knocked to the floor during an argument about her dog leaving a mess in Neeson's home, it was contended.

Crown lawyer Adrian Higgins alleged the pet's behaviour again provoked Neeson into another attack on October 17.

"He grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her across the floor," Mr Higgins claimed.

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"She described being in excruciating pain, and that he held and pulled her for ten minutes."

Subsequent hospital examinations confirmed that her ankle was broken.

Police who went to Neeson's address discovered the dog limping and in poor condition, the court heard, with faeces and urine around the property.

A vet who checked the animal confirmed that it had suffered a head injury.

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It was alleged that Neeson bit a civilian detention officer after he was brought into custody.

During interviews he denied attacking his ex-girlfriend and claimed he only kicked the dog by accident.

He faces counts of inflicting grievous bodily harm and two common assaults on the woman, causing unnecessary suffering to an animal, and assaulting a police designated person.

Defence barrister Stephen Mooney argued that there may be contestable issues on the charges.

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He submitted that Neeson could be released from custody due to potential delays in the case.

But refusing the application due to the risk of further offences, Sir Declan Morgan ruled: "It is not possible to admit him to bail."