Judge issues witness summons for GP

Bishop Street court.Bishop Street court.
Bishop Street court.
A judge has issued a summons for a Derry GP to attend court after they failed to provide police with a medical report in relation to an alleged domestic assault.

District Judge Barney McElholm said it was ‘not acceptable’ that the report has been outstanding since November.

He said: “I will issue a witness summons for the GP to come here next week with the report or come in here and explain himself in open court.”

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Judge McElholm made the comments as 34-year-old Stephen Charles Pio McCarron appeared at the local magistrate’s court via videolink.

McCarron, whose address was given on court papers as no fixed abode, is charged with causing grievous bodily harm and breaching a restraining order between August 11 and August 30, last year.

The charges arise out of a domestic incident in which it is alleged McCarron bit his girlfriend’s nose.

The defendant launched an application for bail on the basis of the delay in the case.

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Bail was opposed for fear of further offences and concerns that the defendant would interfere with the witness.

The judge refused the application, stating: “There is far too great a risk to the alleged injured party from this man. He has offended against her on a number of occasions and he is a domestic violence perpetrator of some standing in the past.”

The case was adjourned until March 15.