Jailed for '˜atrocious' driving offences

A man has appeared at Derry Magistrate's Court charged with murder.A man has appeared at Derry Magistrate's Court charged with murder.
A man has appeared at Derry Magistrate's Court charged with murder.
A man considered a danger to other road users has been jailed for 10 months for driving offences.

Daniel Armstrong, of Fernabbey Drive, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and driving whilst disqualified on December 22, last year.

The 25-years-old also admitted having no insurance.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard the defendant was observed by police officers sitting in the drivers seat of a car stopped at traffic lights.

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Police had reason to speak to Armstrong and turned their vehicle.

Armstrong turned off in the opposite direction and travelled in the direction of Branch roundabout.

The court heard that Armstrong overtook several stationery cars sitting in traffic and caused multiple oncoming vehicles to take evasive action to avoid a collision.

He was interviewed by police the following day and he denied any knowledge of the incident or the vehicle.

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It was revealed to the court Armstrong is in breach of a suspended sentence imposed in 2016 for similar offences.

Defence counsel Stephen Chapman said his client understands he shouldn’t have got into the car and claims he made a mistake.

Jailing Armstrong for a total of 10 months, District Judge Barney McElholm said his driving was ‘atrocious.’

“This is why he was taken off the road,” said the judge.

“ He is a danger on the road and cares nothing for the safety of other road users,” added the District Judge.Armstrong was also disqualified from driving for four years.