Fined for city centre disorderly

The courthouse at Bishop Street, Derry.The courthouse at Bishop Street, Derry.
The courthouse at Bishop Street, Derry.
A man who gave the middle finger to police in the presence of children and tourists has been fined. Stephen Benson, of Rathkeele Way, Creggan, pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour in Guildhall Square on April 23.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard the 21-year-old crossed the road in front of a police vehicle and mouthed ‘f*** off’ towards the officers.

He was highly intoxicated and appeared to be in a ‘bad state’.

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Police went to Guildhall Square to check on Benson and he gave them the middle finger before running off.

The court was told there were children playing in the fountains at the time and a number of tourists taking photos of the Guildhall.

The defendant was arrested a short time later.

Defence solicitor Paddy MacDermott said his client was extremely intoxicated and was making his way home from an all night party.

He said it was not the worst case of disorderly the court had seen.

District Judge Barney McElholm fined Benson £100.