Derry police urge vigilance after receiving reports from parents worried about internet chat sites

Internet safety warning.Internet safety warning.
Internet safety warning.
Police in Derry City and Strabane are reminding everyone to stay safe online following recent reports from parents concerned about internet chat sites.

Sergeant Adrian Brogan explains: “The internet can be great for allowing our children to stay connected to friends, researching for school work or playing games but it is still important to ensure the sites your children are accessing are safe and appropriate.

“As a parent or guardian you can take some simple steps to make sure your children are safe online. Remind them to only accept friend requests from people they know, never give out personal information in a chat room or through instant messaging, and give them the confidence to recognise when a situation is becoming abusive or harmful.

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It is especially important that your children know what to do if a situation online makes them feel uncomfortable and that they have the confidence to tell a trusted adult.

“You can also use privacy settings and parental controls to ensure they are only accessing age appropriate material. More advice can be found on the Get Safe Online website at or “