Bomb in housing construction site '˜reckless'

The Skeoge Link Road. (file pic)The Skeoge Link Road. (file pic)
The Skeoge Link Road. (file pic)
The discovery of an viable bomb device in the Galliagh area of Derry at the weekend was today branded 'reckless' by local representatives.

The viable improvised explosive device and various other component parts were discovered at a building site where new social homes are being constructed close to existing homes in the Skeoge area near the border with Donegal.

It was uncovered during a series of searches in both the Galliagh and Creggan estates from Friday evening through to Saturday.

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PSNI Detectives Inspector Adrian Brown said: The device was taken away for further examination.

“I would appeal with anyone with information that can assist us in combating violent dissident Republican activity to contact us on 101.”

SDLP Derry Councillor for the area Brian Tierney has condemned those behind the viable explosive device.

Colr Tierney said: “Those behind the viable device discovered at a local social housing site are reckless thugs who could have caused chaos here.

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“As this city comes together to celebrate the arrival of the Clipper crews, there’s no place for those who seek to divide us with the violence of the past.”

He added: “This is a city on the rise and we will not be dragged back.

“The community here will reject those who seek to cause chaos and destruction.”

Commenting on the news that a viable explosive device was found in the greater Galliagh area of Derry today.”

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Sinn Féin Councillor for the area Sandra Duffy meanwhile said: “The actions of those involved in leaving this device are to be condemned outright.

“There is no logic to this act and those behind it need to realise there is no support for this type of action.”

Meanwhile police have confirmed that a 48-year-old man arrested during one of the searches at a house in Creggan on Friday night has been released unconditionally.