Bogus '˜junior doctors' targeting homes in Derry

The bogus junior doctors are targeting residents in the Creggan area of the city.The bogus junior doctors are targeting residents in the Creggan area of the city.
The bogus junior doctors are targeting residents in the Creggan area of the city.
The Western Trust have issued a warning to local people to be vigilant following reports of scammers pretending to the junior doctors targeting residents in Derry.

It is understood residents in the Creggan area of the city have been targeted over recent days.

Fraudsters have been going door-to-door in the estate claiming to be junior doctors from the Western Health and Social Care Trust, and looking funds for heart procedures.

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A spokesperson for the Western Trust said: “It has been brought to our attention that there may be bogus callers operating in the Derry area claiming to be from the Western Trust, cold calling doorsteps and asking residents for cash to fund heart procedures in Altnagelvin Hospital.

“The Western Trust would like to advise members of the community to be vigilant, to inform elderly or vulnerable dependants about these incidents, and contact the police of any suspicious activity”.

The PSNI has advised that door-to-door callers should always be asked for proof of identity.

Local people are advised that before answering the front door, they make sure the back door is locked.

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Police also advise that if there is a door chain, remember to use it before opening the door.

Ask the caller for their identification and check it carefully.

Residents can also ask the callers to wait outside and close the door and ring Quick Check on freephone 0800 013 22 90.