Another vehicle torched in Derry overnight

Smoke billowing from the vehicle as emergency services attend the scene.Smoke billowing from the vehicle as emergency services attend the scene.
Smoke billowing from the vehicle as emergency services attend the scene.
Derry Sinn Féin Councillor Sandra Duffy has slammed those responsible for setting fire to a car in the Shantallow area last night.

It’s reported the car was driven around the area before being burned.

The incident is the latest in a series of similar arson incidents across the city over recent weeks, with others in the Galliagh and Creggan areas also reported.

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Councillor Duffy said: “Once again the people of this area have to put up with this very dangerous criminal activity.

“Local residents have told me those responsible were aged in their mid teens and made off in the direction of Curragh Walk and Carrabane Walk.

“I would appeal if anyone in the community knows who these culprits’ are to bring their names forward so they can be brought before the courts.”

Several weeks ago Sinn Féin Councillor Caoimhe McKnight slammed those responsible for setting fire to a car close to homes in the Knockalla Park area of Galliagh, less that 20 metres from local homes.

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Earlier this week meanwhile her party colleague Kevin Campbell condemned those who stole the keys to a car and other belongings from a family’s home before taking it and burning it out at Eastway in Creggan.

Colr. Campbell said those responsible needed to be held to account and also needed to “grow up”.