Jonathan Lyttle

Jonathan Lyttle from North West Regional College.Jonathan Lyttle from North West Regional College.
Jonathan Lyttle from North West Regional College.
This week's Friday's Child is Jonathan Lyttle, who works in the Hospitality and Catering department of North West Regional College. The 41 year-old has worked in the college for 17 years in practical kitchen and theory classes. Jonathan is an integral part of the team in NWRC's fine-dining restaurants which are open to the public; The Flying Clipper restaurant at Strand Road Campus which officially reopened following a major refurbishment this week, and Garnett's Restaurant in the Limavady campus. Jonathan has been married to Andrena for 13 Years and they have a daughter, Emily

Professional, caring, a perfectionist and hopefully good craic.

Happiest childhood memory?

Being taught to ride my bike with no stabilisers by my father.

Jonathan Lyttle as a baby.Jonathan Lyttle as a baby.
Jonathan Lyttle as a baby.

What was your first job?

Waiter in the Du Pont Club.

Favourite book?

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.

Jonathan Lyttle as a baby.Jonathan Lyttle as a baby.
Jonathan Lyttle as a baby.

Favourite film?

The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock.

Favourite television programme?

Homes under the Hammer (my guilty pleasure).

Favourite expression?

God loves a trier.

Favourite method of relaxation?

Favourite holiday destination?

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Marble Hill, Portnablagh, Dunfanaghy, Co.Donegal – I have holidayed here since I was six months old……. brilliant memories.

Who would you most like to meet?

Barack Obama.

What makes you angry?

Bad manners/rudeness.

What makes you happy?

Seeing my friends and family happy.

What human quality do you most admire?

Honesty/integrity – it is something that is part of a person, it cannot be taught.

What human quality do you least admire?


What has been the most embarrassing thing to happen to you?

I got into the wrong car in a supermarket car park and did not realise till I tried to drive away. – same car and colour.

What was the worst thing to happen to you in your life?

The passing away of both my parents.

What is your greatest fear?


What has been the high point of your life to date?

The birth of my daughter, Emily.

How would you like to be remembered?

As a person who always tried his best, was there when needed and got on with it regardless.

What is your most treasured possession?

My wedding ring.

If you won the lotto what would you do with it?

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I don’t actually do the lotto but if I won I would use it to make as many of my friends and family comfortable as I could.

If you could be granted one wish in life, what would you ask for?

To make sure that we all have enough to get us by.

If you could write your own epitaph what would it be?

I tried my best.