Visiting suspended at Ward 50 North West Cancer Centre

The North West Cancer Centre at Altnagelvin Hospital.The North West Cancer Centre at Altnagelvin Hospital.
The North West Cancer Centre at Altnagelvin Hospital.
The Western Health and Social Care Trust has announced that visiting to Ward 50 at North West Cancer Centre has been suspended until further notice.

In a statement, the Trust said the ‘health and safety of patients, visitors and staff remains an absolute priority at our North West Cancer Centre (NWCC). ‘

“With the continued threat of COVID19 in our community, we have made the decision to stop all visiting to Ward 50. Exceptional circumstances should be discussed with the Ward Sister.

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“This decision has been taken to help minimise the risk to our immunocompromised patients and will be kept under review.

We thank you in advance for your help in protecting patients and the wider community at this time.For further information on our Visiting Guidelines please visit our website:”