Several COVID-19 deaths in Derry/Strabane with first fatality of patient under 20 and Altnagelvin now 4.90% over capacity

A table showing that Altnagelvin is among several hospitals now over capacity.A table showing that Altnagelvin is among several hospitals now over capacity.
A table showing that Altnagelvin is among several hospitals now over capacity.
Several more people have sadly died after testing positive with coronavirus in Derry and Strabane and one of them was aged under 20, according to the latest figures published by the Department of Health.

Forty-five people in Derry and Strabane have now lost their lives since the pandemic began in the spring.

The latest figures released by the Department of Health on Wednesday record that three males one aged 0-19, one aged 60-79 and one over 80 years of age, died on Tuesday.

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A woman, who was over 80 died on the same day. There is a further record of a man aged over 80 dying in the district today.

Seventy-four people remained in Western Trust hospitals being treated as COVID-19 inpatients at midnight.

Nine out of ten ICU beds at Altnagelvin (90 per cent) were occupied with COVID-19 patients. One further ICU bed was being used for a patient with non-COVID issues. And no ICU beds were unoccupied although the Trust has said it has capacity to increase to 18 ICU beds in total at the Derry hospital.

All three ICU patients who were being ventilated had coronavirus.

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Altnagelvin Hospital is now over capacity by 4.90 per cent in terms of general occupancy.

A breakdown of general occupancy shows Altnagelvin is now 23.20 per cent 'COVID-19 occupied', 69.61 per cent 'other occupied' with no capacity left in the system.