Seamus Fox: Comparison is the silent thief of happiness

Seamus Fox delivers a talk on mindset at a company in Dublin's St. Stephen's Green.Seamus Fox delivers a talk on mindset at a company in Dublin's St. Stephen's Green.
Seamus Fox delivers a talk on mindset at a company in Dublin's St. Stephen's Green.
In today's world, it's easy to get caught up in comparing our lives to others.

With social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, we have constant access to images and information about people's accomplishments, possessions, and lifestyles. It's natural to feel envious or inadequate when we compare our lives to others.

However, this habit can have a profound negative impact on our own happiness and well-being.

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Comparison is a sneaky thief that can slowly erode our self-esteem and confidence when we constantly compare ourselves to others. We tend to focus on what we don't have, rather than what we do have.

This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and a sense that we are never enough. We may start to believe that we are not good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough. As a result, we may become less confident and more critical of ourselves and sometimes that vicious circle is hard to break.

Comparison can lead to feelings of insecurity and anxiety. We may start to worry about what others think of us or feel like we are not measuring up to their expectations. We may even feel like we are not living up to our own expectations.

This can make us feel stressed, overwhelmed, and defeated, and it can also interfere with our relationships and our ability to enjoy life. Well, for me, that’s not a nice or healthy way to live as what we are essentially doing is looking at only one side of the equation, the positive only but with everything, life has two sides, positive and negative.

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The reality is that what we see on social media is often a carefully curated and filtered version of someone's life. We don't see the struggles, the failures, or the insecurities that they may be experiencing. Furthermore, people tend to post their successes and positive moments, but rarely share their failures or hardships. This can create an unrealistic and skewed view of what their lives are really like.

So, how can we break free from the trap of comparison?

The first step is to be mindful of when and how we compare ourselves to others. When we catch ourselves making comparisons, we can remind ourselves that we don't know the whole story and that what we see on social media is not always a true representation of someone's life. We can also focus on our own lives and what we have accomplished, rather than what others have.

Another way to break free from comparison is to practice gratitude. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we can shift our attention away from what we don't have and instead appreciate what we do have.

This can help us feel more content and fulfilled, and it can also increase our sense of happiness and well-being.

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Never compare yourself to anyone, instead be grateful for all the blessings you already have and focus your energy on what’s really important for you and your own life and in turn you’ll be feeling happier and healthier in the process.

Seamus Fox.