‘Crackdown on the sale of illegal fireworks needed’ warns Derry Colr.

Sinn Féin Councillor Emma McGinley.Sinn Féin Councillor Emma McGinley.
Sinn Féin Councillor Emma McGinley.
Sinn Féin Councillor Emma McGinley has called for a crackdown on the sale of illegal fireworks.

The Moor Councillor said: “Over recent days there have been increased reports of illegal fireworks being set off repeatedly across Creggan and other areas.

“There was also an incident where a firework was thrown into a shop hitting a customer who was left badly shaken.

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“Those who are bringing these illegal fireworks into our community and selling them should be held to account. They are dangerous and it is only a matter of time before someone ends up seriously injured or worse.

“I will be speaking with the youth services to look at opportunities to educate our young people on the dangers of fireworks.

“I am calling on the PSNI to urgently investigate and find out where these fireworks are coming from and put a stop to it as the local community are being tormented on a nightly basis by fireworks. If anyone has information on who is bringing illegal fireworks into our community, I would urge them to report it to the police.”

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