'˜Concerned About Suicide' leaflet launched

The 'Concerned About Suicide' leaflet was launched on Wednesday.The 'Concerned About Suicide' leaflet was launched on Wednesday.
The 'Concerned About Suicide' leaflet was launched on Wednesday.
Asking, listening and getting help for someone can prevent suicide.

That was the message from Health Ministers, Michelle O’Neill MLA and Simon Harris TD as they jointly launched a new North South ‘Concerned about Suicide’ leaflet.

Launched at the North South Ministerial Council meeting in Armagh today the leaflet highlights how to recognise that someone may be at risk, what to say and importantly how to help someone.

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Health Minister Michelle O’Neill said: “Suicide is an important issue both north and south and affects all communities. This leaflet will help to raise awareness and put people in contact with sources of support.

“For many people, being able to talk to someone they trust about how they are feeling could be the first step towards recovery.”

Minister O’Neill continued: “A person who is thinking about suicide may not ask for help but that doesn’t mean that help is not wanted. Letting someone know you are concerned about them, listening and giving support and seeking help are pivotal in helping someone come through a very difficult time in their life.”

Speaking about the leaflet Health Minister Simon Harris TD commented: “Evidence suggests that one in four of us will experience a mental health challenge in our life time. Informative measures, such as this leaflet, play an important role in encouraging open conversation around what can be a difficult topic. I hope the launch of this leaflet will help sign post when an individual may need help and the measures that can be taken to assist them.

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“We all have a role to play in helping to prevent suicide, as family, friends or simply acquaintances. This leaflet will help to provide practical information on how best to approach this very sensitive issue and I commend everyone involved in putting it together.”

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