16 positive COVID-19 patients admitted to Altnagelvin over the weekend

Sixteen admissions to Altnagelvin.Sixteen admissions to Altnagelvin.
Sixteen admissions to Altnagelvin.
Seventeen people who had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 were admitted to Western Trust hospitals between Friday and Sunday, according to data released by the Department of Health.

Sixteen of the patients were admitted to Altnagelvin with one admitted to the South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen.

The data show ten people were admitted to Altnagelvin on Friday; three were admitted on Saturday; and a further three patients were admitted yesterday. The admission to SWAH also occurred on Sunday.

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Eighty people were being treated as COVID-19 patients in Western Trust hospitals at midnight on Sunday.

Eleven out of twelve (91.67%) ICU beds at Altnagelvin were occupied by COVID-19 patients and six of these patients were being ventilated, according to the daily dashboard published by DoH on Monday. One ICU bed remained free.

In terms of general occupancy 19.81 per cent of beds at Altnagelvin were 'COVID-19 occupied', 69.97 per cent were 'other occupied' while there was 8.31 per cent of capacity still available in the system; 1.92 per cent were 'awaiting admission' according to the data released on Monday.