‘True Icon’ Linda Heaney bows out at Greenhaw PS

A teacher who has been described by colleagues as ‘warm and caring’ has retired from Greenhaw Primary School after over three decades teaching and nurturing children in the foundation stage of their schooling.

Linda Heaney taught at the school for an astonishing 37 years before deciding to bow out at the end of this year.

At an end-of-term function in Da Vinci’s Hotel Linda was treated to cards, gifts and well wishes from staff, parents and governors.

Principal Sean McLaughlin described Linda as ‘more than just a colleague, she was a cherished friend to each and everyone of us at Greenhaw.’

He described Ms. Heaney as a guiding light and said: “Throughout the years, we have shared laughter, tears, and countless moments of camaraderie.

"Her presence has been a guiding light, a source of strength, and a pillar of support. Linda's unwavering kindness, compassionate nature, and genuine interest in the well-being of her fellow staff members have created a bond that transcends the confines of the workplace.

"We will forever treasure the memories we have shared and carry them with us as we continue our journey in education.”

He continued: "But it is not just her warm friendship that has endeared Linda to us. She is our ‘first aid maverick’. Linda's expertise, calm demeanour, and swift action have saved the day on countless occasions.

"From tending to scraped knees and comforting anxious students to handling more serious medical situations with unwavering confidence, she has been our rock, ensuring the safety and well-being of our school community.

"Linda's dedication to mastering first aid skills and her ability to think on her feet have made her an invaluable asset to Greenhaw, and we will undoubtedly feel her absence.”

He also emphasised the teacher’s dedication to sport.

"We would be remiss not to highlight Linda Heaney's exceptional dedication to sport, particularly her unwavering commitment to netball within our school.

"Linda has been the driving force behind our netball program, nurturing a love for the sport and instilling a sense of passion and skill in our students.

"Her tireless efforts in coaching, organising matches, and developing players have transformed our netball team into a formidable force within the local sporting community.

"Linda's expertise, attention to detail, and ability to inspire confidence in her players have led to numerous victories and countless moments of pride for our school.

"Her legacy in netball will endure, and her impact on the lives of our student athletes will continue to shine brightly for years to come. We are incredibly grateful for her dedication to promoting the sport and for creating an environment where our students have thrived and excelled.”

Describing her as a dedicated educator, he added: “I extend a special thanks to Linda for her extraordinary contributions.

"I recognise her as a shining example of what it means to be a dedicated educator, an inspiration to both students and colleagues alike. Linda's passion for teaching, her unwavering commitment to excellence, and her genuine love for our pupils have left an indelible mark on Greenhaw Primary School.

"As we bid farewell to Linda, we do so with a mixture of sadness and gratitude. We are saddened to see her leave our daily lives, but we are grateful for the privilege of having worked alongside such an incredible individual.”