Lisneal College confirms protocols for return to school

Michael Allen, Principal of Lisneal College. DER1815MC059Michael Allen, Principal of Lisneal College. DER1815MC059
Michael Allen, Principal of Lisneal College. DER1815MC059
Children returning to Lisneal College will not be expected to wear face coverings except in certain circumstances and will undergo temperature checks on arrival.

Principal of Lisneal, Michael Allen has issued guidelines for parents, staff and students ahead of the school reopening next week, including a one way system of accessing, moving through and exiting the school.

Pupils will have their temperature taken using a contactless thermometer on entry to the school building. Where a pupil’s temperature is above 38 degrees C on three consecutive occasions, the pupil will be isolated and parents will be contacted to collect their child.

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Once pupils arrive at school they are to go straight to their form room after washing their hands.

In the guidance document, Mr Allen said that while funding has not been provided for PPE for staff, he has ordered visors and other equipment so that those staff who wish to use them can do so.

Parents meanwhile will have to sign a contract agreeing to the raft of measures and shared responsibilities.

In relation to pupils, Mr Allen stated: “It is important to understand the difference between face coverings and masks. Face coverings are worn to prevent particles leaving the mouth of nose and becoming airborne. They are for protecting those around us. Masks are a form of PPE with protects the wearer. Masks will only be worn by children and staff when intimate care or administering medication is required.

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“The Minister of Education has stated that pupils wearing face coverings in school could compromise the educational experience of a child during the school day. Wearing a face covering for six hours each day could also prove difficult for many children.

“The guidance on face coverings states that all pupils should be ‘strongly encouraged’ to wear masks where social distancing is not practicable. “Therefore, I am recommending that if a pupil is able he/she should wear a face covering on school transport, around corridors and in classrooms where distancing is not possible. This is not mandatory and is a matter of choice for pupils and parents.

“Face coverings will have to be provided by parents/guardians. PPE masks will be provided by the school where necessary. Guidance received recommends that pupils bring two washable face coverings to school. One to wear in and around school and another to be worn when the pupil exits school and travels home. All visitors will be required to wear a face covering in school.”

Pupils are being advised to carry their own sanitiser and tissues to use throughout the school day.

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They must also bring their school bag and pencil case as no equipment can be shared between students or from teacher to student.

Meals will be provided for pupils in the canteen on the week beginning September 1; however, protecting social bubbles in pupils in years 8-10 will be more manageable if the majority of students bring a packed lunch, parents have been advised.


Lisneal plans to install hand washing facilities at each school entrance and has ordered a number of automatic hand sanitiser dispensers for school corridors. There will also be an additional cleaner available during the school day to assist with the cleaning of door handles and other surfaces.

Pupils arriving from September 1 will remain in a designated area of school during the school day.

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Years 11-14 pupils will be based in a designated area for form classes and general qualifications; however, they may move to subject

specific rooms when required as social bubbles cannot be fully implemented due to a pupil’s option choices.

Year 8 – 10 pupils will be grouped at all times by form class. This measure is designed to maintain ‘social bubbles’ across junior school.


Only pupils travelling on school transport will be permitted entry to the school before 8.30am. Pupils who walk to school or who are dropped off by a parent should not arrive before this time. This measure is being implemented to allow for guidance on handwashing to be followed.


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Pupils will be required to wear full school uniform on returning to school.

When pupils have PE they should wear the school PE kit to school. Year 8 pupils who have not yet got their school PE kit will be permitted to wear other sports wear on PE day. Pupils in Years 9-12 who do not have the correct school PE kit should wear school uniform to school and change into own sportswear for PE lessons.


To assist with a smooth transition back to school, Mr Allen has asked parents who are able to provide transport to and from school to consider this option for the first week. “This will help reduce numbers travelling on buses and provide us with an opportunity to assess the school transport situation,” he said, adding; “Pupils who live within a reasonable distance from school should also consider walking or cycling to and from school if safe.

“Face coverings MUST be worn by pupils 13 years old and over on PUBLIC transport as others will also be present. This is not the case on designated school transport; however, we strongly encourage all pupils to wear face coverings travelling to and from school.

Children with Additional Needs

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Our SEN and Pastoral Teams will work with pupils and parents to ensure all children are supported to return to school. A transition week for children with additional educational needs will take place in the week beginning 1st – 4th September 2020-

Hand Washing

Pupils must wash hands as soon as they arrive in the school building. School bathrooms will be used for this. Staff will guide pupils to bathrooms on arrival to school. Mr Allen said it is important that only pupils using school transport arrive to school before 8:30am.

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